

Projects Done

At Smart Power, we take pride in possessing more than 20 years of qualified experienced resources. We specialise in Marketing, IT and Finance consultant with extended services in Business Development, Sales & E-Commerce.

Team Members

Our team of experienced consultants has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing businesses today. We work with businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises.


We work together with you as a partner to provide creative and affordable services to funded startups and small businesses from finance planning to lead the digital precense, sales and the work cycle.


Every concept, choice, and action we make is intended to monetize your audience and provide a worldwide, growth-driven strategy. You stay ahead of the curve thanks to the expertise we bring to the table.

Our Mission

To assist businesses in selecting the appropriate IT solutions.
Creating and implementing effective marketing strategies, and effectively managing their finances.
We are devoted to giving our customers the highest quality service and value.

Our Vision

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Meet the Team

Awards and Mentions


Interior Agency of the Year

Best Interior Design Solution

Multicultural Agency of the Year


Best Industrial Object Design

Creative Landscape Composition


Agency of the Year

Best Digital Solution

Production Company of the Year

Design Agency of the Year


Creative Landscape Composition

Best Interior Design Solution

Multicultural Agency of the Year

Our Clients